Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I lost my phone

I am too upset now.... I lost my phone.

Because of Madagascar 2.

Because I have to silent my phone.

Before the movie.

Because it is the cinema's policy.

Because somebody decided to make it a rule.

Because most people are not considerate enough to turn their phones to silent.

Because they have brown matter for their brains.

Because they are bought up that way.

Because the society is that way.

Because there is great degeneration in society today.

Because we are not doing enough to educate our young.

Because we are too busy working, playing, instead of educating our young.

Because we lose sight of the future.

Because we cannot prioritize.

Because we do not know what is really important.

Because there are too many distractions in the world.

Because the commercial world knows what buttons to push.

Because they do a lot of market analysis.

Because that is what they are hired for.

Because that is what they do for a living.

Because they need to support their families.

So, they have no time for their families.

And no time to educate their young.

So I will lose my phone...

I lost my phone.


xinxin^^ said...
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xinxin^^ said...

sorry to hear that.let me know if u got ur new hp number.jz leave m message to me in my blog,enough.

wardqe said...

dun la blame madagascarrr~~~!