Monday, December 15, 2008

Crashing back to reality

The holidays are coming to an end, and finally, the weight of the coming semester seems to be beginning to bore down on me too quickly. I need to "depressurize" from this holiday high and start getting back into the real world.

One of the worst things that could happen this week is that I cannot register for my core courses online. So now I need to rush back to Penang the following day after coming back from Malacca to register these courses manually. And I cannot take French level 2 because it clashes with the core course I cannot register for!!!

And I will be taking 7 subjects/ 20 units again!! I wonder if it is healthy to do so?? And on top of that, I expect to be taking on more responsibilities in terms of AIESEC.

Its a good thing, right???


LiZaRdboi_88 said...

Can't register core courses online? That's odd. You didn't space between the code right? like HPW 112 (wrong way) instead of HPW112 (correct way)?

"Zach" said...

i used both ways. neither works. Anyway I did email my penyelaras. most of the other coursemates I asked have the same problem.. Means I have to go to the office on monday la.