Friday, November 02, 2007

In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

This latin palindrome (for those of you who don't know, a palindrome is a sentence that reads the same forwards and backwards) means "We enter the circle at night and are consumed by fire", describing the behaviour of moths.

Sometimes, I liken this situation to myself. I am a moth, entering a circle in the darkness, and finally being consumed by the flames. This can apply to two situations.

The first is when I am attracted by vain things that destroy, entering the circle, along with so many others who are attracted by the same things, unaware of the destructive powers of the attraction. Finally, I am destroyed by the thing that attracted me, consumed by the flames of passion.

The second is to studies. The flame is the testing fire of examinations. If I don't study well enough, I enter the circle (exams) in the darkness, and unsure of my coordinates, I plunge into the whole thing unprepared and finally am consumed by the flames of examinations.

Am I a moth? I hope not. Yet time and again I fall back into a familiar pattern that leads to the path of destruction. Can I break free from the circle? Leave the familiar encircling towards a destructive attraction and fly towards safety?

In Omnia Paratus
(ready for everything)


Dormiens said...

Chun le the palindrome thing!

"Zach" said...

Hehe thanks, Maybe I'll post about some other favourite palindromes of mine later..

Btw here are some well known ones:

Madam, I'm Adam
A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!