Monday, July 28, 2008


USM Hotspot sucks. There is no equivalent word, in any language or dialect, that can fully encompass the total inefficiency of said Hotspot. Its uselessness is inexpressibly worse than Streamyx! But that goes without saying. After all, all free services not provided by nature is bound to suck. Take for another example, the 'free' bus service (we pay RM60 per semester), which is comparable to an industrial sized tuna can. Especially at peak hours. And that is all fine until you are almost late for a lecture and there is no more space that is humanly possible to squeeze into unless you are Mr. Fantastic or if you practice high-level yoga.

On the brighter side, I will be taking part in an AmazingRace this weekend, where I can finally take a full tour of Penang. I am now a member of PKA (Agape Christian Fellowship) and AIESEC (Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales). Still pondering whether I should take part in Archery, Debate, or some other thing, or nothing else.

On another note, I have a presentation for my English For Specific Purposes class this Wednesday. The topic I have chosen is : English For Satirical Purposes. This presentation accounts for 5% of my final grade.

That's all the ranting I have the energy for for now. Most of it was spent trying to connect to the internet and looking for stuff for my presentation (try refreshing a page a hundred times... It's tiring)So see you guys later!!

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