Tuesday, July 08, 2008

My First week in USM

It all began one fine day, a Saturday to be exact, when a young man's life is to be changed forever. He would enter one of the top universities in the country to pursue knowledge, experience, friendship and at the end of three years, a degree in English Language and Literature Studies.

Ok. Enough with the crap and let me move on to what happened on my first week (as I remember it).

On the first day ever, Michele and I got a lift from Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lee (very nice people with a very nice condo in Batu Feringghi) Michele was dropped off first at her temporary hostel at Cahaya Gemilang (Brilliant light i suppose) and left to fend for herself. I, on the other hand was give Aman Damai, which is the other end of campus, and also very near the lake...

I got my receipts checked out, got my souvenirs and stuff ( a bag, some books and a tie) and went to my room ( K02/115B) and met my temporary roommate, Wei Yap, who is doing Physics... We got to know each other a little, He's from Malacca things like that. And around 3 pm, we went to 'Dataran Aman' (just a small field) to get ready to go to Dewan Tuanku Syed Putra (DTSP from now on) for a taklimat or something...

I'm so sorry i have to stop here, but I can't remember what went on and I have a lecture soon and (insert your choice of excuse here___________________) So i'll leave this post as a cliffhanger right now, will try to take pictures of some of the locations and stuff... Till the next post, au revoir!!

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