Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Update in order

It has been more than a month since I have updated my blog. It isn't totally due to laziness (it plays a part), but also because of a myriad of different reasons.

1. Assignments

I have a ton of assignments, ranging from the easy to the extremely complicated ones (not difficult, mind you, just complicated). And doing these assignments take time. A lot of time.

I have just handed in my HPW102 (Critical Thinking) assignment today, and to be honest, I am not too happy about it. I feel as if I didn't do it justice. Same goes with my HBT112 (Translation) assignment. sigh.

2. No internet

I have no wireless signal in my room, and I am too lazy to move to a wireless hotspot because to me, it's not worth it. 'nuff said.

3. Actually, I can't think of a third excuse. Maybe I'm just lazy.

Anyway, here is the update:

1. I might not be coming home during Raya break.
2. I got an A for a presentation. Woohoo
3. USM is now an APEX (Accelerated Programme for Excellence) University
4. There was a landslide near my hostel
5. I still hate WUS with all my heart.

That's all for now...

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