Thursday, May 22, 2008

I have Photic Sneeze Response!!

Have you ever sneezed unstoppably when transitioning between dark and light in an instant? If you have, you probably have what is called ACHOO syndrome, or Autosomal dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome.

In addition to the 'many' ailments I have (genetic or otherwise) I have ACHOO too. But it doesn't really affect me seriously, it is more like a sensitivity to light. The only ways it probably could affect me is when I am driving... Maybe I'll be driving sometime, and suddenly look into the sun, and sneeze, and get into an accident.... BAMM!!

No, no, I am not morbid, I am actually taking all this in good humour. I think its funny. People can say they are allergic to so many things, but I am 'allergic' to light! Hahaha!

Anyways, being 'diagnosed' with ACHOO is a way to stop my mother from nagging me when I sneeze uncontrollably. And I sneeze really loud. Ask any of my classmates!

Uni application results will be out in about a month. Only less than a month till my fate is known. I just hope its not anywhere really bright.

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