Have you ever sneezed unstoppably when transitioning between dark and light in an instant? If you have, you probably have what is called
ACHOO syndrome, or Autosomal dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome.
In addition to the 'many' ailments I have (genetic or otherwise) I have
ACHOO too. But it doesn't really affect me seriously, it is more like a sensitivity to light. The only ways it probably could affect me is when I am driving... Maybe I'll be driving sometime, and suddenly look into the sun, and sneeze, and get into an accident.... BAMM!!
No, no, I am not morbid, I am actually taking all this in good humour. I think its funny. People can say they are allergic to so many things, but I am 'allergic' to light! Hahaha!
Anyways, being 'diagnosed' with ACHOO is a way to stop my mother from nagging me when I sneeze uncontrollably. And I sneeze really loud. Ask any of my classmates!
Uni application results will be out in about a month. Only less than a month till my fate is known. I just hope its not anywhere really bright.